CT12-6 Nights Nairobi/Amboseli/L.Nakuru/Masai Mara

Upon arrival at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, you are met and transferred to the hotel. Overnight at Ole Sereni Hotel on BB.

0800 hours pick up from the hotel and drive south to Amboseli National Reserve. Lunch at the lodge followed by time to relax. At 1600 hours, depart for an afternoon game drive. Amboseli is arid looking but has historically, supported both game and the Maasai people that kept their herds of cattle here. This is the first game sanctuary to be created and gazetted. Mount Kilimanjaro broods high over Amboseli, generally cloaked by clouds but appearing in all its snow-shrouded magnificence from time to time. Amboseli is famous for the high numbers of elephants inhabiting the park. 
Dinner and overnight stay at Amboseli Serena/Ol-Tukai lodge or similar.

Morning and late afternoon game drives in the reserve. The swamps on the east of the park attract wildebeest, zebra and antelope with the predators that live off them, chiefly lion which tend to be easy to view here. In the south, Enkongo Narok swamp attracts hippos to the larger pools and plenty of buffalo, waterbuck and teeming birdlife including the jacanas that pick their way elegantly and carefully. Giraffe, leopard, Cheetah, caracal and civet may be seen. All meals and overnight stay at  Amboseli Serena/Ol-Tukai lodge or similar.

Depart for lunch in Nairobi and proceed to Lake Nakuru National Park. Afternoon game drive will allow you to visit the Lake and the rocky area of the park famously known as the baboon cliff inhabited by a family of olive baboons. Lake Nakuru is among Kenya’s finest national parks. Flanked by rocky escarpments, pockets of acacia forest and at least one waterfall, the park is gorgeous year-round and is home to both black and white rhinos, lions, leopards, hippos and endangered Rothschild’s giraffes. Dinner and overnight at Flamingo Hill Camp/ Sarova Lionhill lodge.

Depart after breakfast and drive to the famous Maasai Mara Game Reserve arriving in time for lunch at the lodge.  Afternoon game drive. 

As you approach the Maasai Mara you will begin to see many of the local Maasai tribes people as well as their livestock which surround the Reserve. It is globally famous for its exceptional population of lions, leopards and cheetahs, and the annual migration of zebra, Thomson’s gazelle, and wildebeest to and from the Serengeti every year from July to October, known as the Great Migration. The Mara is known as one of the finest wildlife destinations in the World. There is an excellent chance of seeing the Big Five – Lion, Leopard, Rhino, Elephant & Buffalo.

Dinner and overnight stay at Mara Serena Lodge/ Sarova Mara Camp.

Morning and late afternoon game drives.

In Masai Mara wildlife tends to be most concentrated on the reserve’s western escarpment. The park  is regarded as the jewel of Kenya’s wildlife viewing areas. The annual wildebeest’s migration alone involves over 1.5 million animals arriving in July and departing in November.

All meals and overnight at Mara Serena lodge/Sarova Mara Camp .

After breakfast, depart for Nairobi arriving in time to arrange for own lunch. Thereafter transfer to the airport for onward flight.

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